Touch of Grey will, well, touch upon the rainbow that is life. Good music, good times, and good friends combine to make all the splendid colors. Touch of Grey will celebrate this beautiful rainbow.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

I Wonder What She Thought

I wonder what she thought
As she stood there, strong and tall.
She couldn't turn away,
She was forced to watch it all.

Did she long to offer comfort
As her country bled?
With her arm forever frozen
High above her head.

She could not shield her eyes
She could not hide her face.
She just stared across the water
Keeping freedom's place.

The smell of smoke and terror
Somehow reduced her size
So small within the harbor
But still we recognized...

How dignified and beautiful
On a day so many died
I wonder what she thought,
And I know she must have cried.


Edith Ann said...


Are you the author of the poem? That is a a really nice piece.

Excellent musical selections. I really do not believe I have ever heard a bad rendition of "Amazing Grace", but this one was spectacular. I loved it!

Thank you for your thoughtful blog today.

Sugar Magnolia said...

Edith Ann - I cannot take credit for that poem, lord knows I am SO not a poet. I've had a copy of that for many years now, and it resides on a shelf in my library among some other 09/11 memorabilia. I don't even recall where I got it from, but it sure strikes a chord.

I've spent the day cleaning and cooking a traditional Sunday supper for the fam. I can't think of anything the terrorist could despise more than Americans going about their business, undeterred, unafraid and TOGETHER.

You are most welcome for the blog, and I thank you for your enduring readership and friendship. May all Americans be blessed today.

Edith Ann said...

"I can't think of anything the terrorist could despise more than Americans going about their business, undeterred, unafraid and TOGETHER."
